At Alliance Health, we focused most of our UX work on our Diabetic Connect page. It was a place where people with diabetes could go and connect with other diabetics and learn ways to improve their health. I was in charge of the profile and diabetic “Log Book” (health tracker) where people could track their blood sugar levels and A1c.
Diabetic Connect’s New Responsive Profile Redesign (L), Mobile Version (R)
Diabetic Connect’s Log Book (aka Health Tracker)
Diabetic Connect’s Notifications
Diabetic Connect’s Inbox to Coincide with Notifications
Redesigned Diabetic Connect’s Article Page to get better click rates.
Diabetic Connect’s Content Management System Redesign (Scheduling Homepage Content)
Diabetic Connect’s Content Management System Redesign (Add or Edit Articles)
Diabetic Connect’s Content Management System Redesign (Create New Article)
Diabetic Connect’s Health Dashboard (I designed the dropdown portion)